Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Snow Day Surprise!

Snow Day!! This day put a damper on my plan to have chicken and shrimp kabobs but I enjoyed my meal tonight anyway!
I took chicken tenders and shrimp and cooked in in a pan with some old bay seasoning. Next I took some snow peas, peppers, onion and fresh salsa and I sauteed them in a pan with a little Olive oil and old bay. I plated the food and added a teeeny tiny bit of Alfredo cheese to the top of my chicken because I really wanted cheese on this snowy cold night. I added about 1 tsp. to each tender. The cheese sauce is a homemade sauce of just butter, milk and 4 slices of cheddar cheese. I made the sauce for my husbands dinner- Noodles, Alfredo and chicken and shrimp. I have to be honest, I thought my meal was way better looking than his!!! :)
Today I was home all day and had a Zumba dance party with my friend Stefanie. I was excited because I didn't snack and I kept to my meal plan. Normally on my unstructured days I feel like I want to snack. This Medifast plan is getting easier every time!
Tomorrow I will be enjoying another great snow day!!
          Happy Medifasting,


  1. Mmm looks good Kimbo!! I did not snack today either.. but I did make it to all my meals.. for some reason sittin home all day makes me hungry!

  2. I get hungry at home all day too! It's because we aren't chasing after little kids all day and we actually have time to think about food. Good work Kelli, I am very proud of you!
