Sunday, January 9, 2011

First weekend was HARD!

             My first weekend on Medifast was difficult. I realize it is hard to travel with medifast because, I was not always around a blender or a microwave. I pretty much just ate bars and shakes all weekend and got hungry and bored with the food. I think considering it was my first weekend and I was on vacation, I did a pretty good job. I really wanted to eat beach fries and  ice cream but I didn't. I am not going to say I was 100% faithful to this diet.
            Friday I ate a shake for breakfast and a bar around 11:30 and then another bar before I left around 2:15. On my away to the beach I left all my bars and meals in my suitcase so I didn't eat until I checked into the hotel. At the hotel I had some pretzels and then it was time to go to dinner. We went to this Seafood restaurant and the other people at the table ordered Mozz. sticks for appetizers. I was starving so I caved and I ate 2 of them. They were small but I felt so guilty and gross after dinner. For my meal I ate a salad with some grilled chicken and balsamic Vinaigrette on the side. I skipped my last meal because of the mozzarella sticks I had eaten. My stomach got really hard and I felt sick! I made sure I got all my water in which was great!
            Saturday I ate a shake in the morning then 3 bars throughout the day. I was outside and doing stuff all day so I had no time to make shakes. I couldn't  any other meals because I was not near a blender or a microwave. I drank a lot of water throughout the day because I went on a run and then worked out in the hotel weight room too! For dinner we went to Ruby Tuesday- very easy to make good choices here because of the salad bar and great fish options.
I had a nice big salad and Brandon and I split a piece of Grilled Salmon. My only downfall this day was a couple pumpernickel croutons. Again, I got in all my water and meals.
             I am too nervous to weigh myself though so I am going to wait until Wednesday or Thursday when I feel like I am back on track.
             So what I learned, I am not good at diets on vacation because, I LOVE FOOD!
What can help me with these mistakes? I am hoping my exercise and skipping meals on mistake days will help a little.

1 comment:

  1. Your dedication to this is so admirable!! I would have eaten all the moxx stix and then ordered another batch!! Your a hot momma!
