Friday, March 2, 2012

I can't eat Carb free...I am running a race!

  • How do I eat Carb free when I need carbs in my body for my running, biking and training?
  • What do you eat for you 10+ mile runs?
  • I would love to eat healthier but I can't I need to eat pasta and bread before my work outs.

These are all the questions that have gotten the past few weeks. Luckily for you, I have some helpful answers.

This week I have been taking a few online "classes" with a Paleo Summit! One of the guest speakers was a woman named Amy Kubal. She is a runner and previous marathon winner (which she won while eating Paleo). She offers fitness and nutrition help through her website.
I was listening to her seminar in order to find some answers to the above questions. As a runner, I too had the same questions. Runners are trained to think that they need their "Carb load dinner- 5 cups of pasta and loaves of bread" the night before a run. Negative, this has been blown out of proportion (no pun intended). While these carb load dinners are a blast, eating all of this the night before a run, doesn't really help you run any better.

Yes! We need carbs to burn during our long distance training but we do not need to get it in one quick shot the night before a race.
Here is what I learned:

For Optimal performance:

No one plan works for everyone- all athletes are different. You have to figure out what works for you through training, trail and error.

If your goal by training is to lose weight- avoid liquid nutrition (Gatorade and sugary juices). Instead try Zico- coconut water. We get ours from Target!

Carb loading- Slowly gain carbs throughout your entire training process from Sweet potato, veggies, fruits.

Slowly building up your glycogen stores rather than packing it all in at once will allow your body to stay nourished and recover faster.

Long distance (marathoners, ultra and ironman)- Use corn tortilla chips, white rice or white potatoes after a run to rebuild your nutrition.

Short events- (5k, daily gym workouts) No need to get extra carbs
Moderate events- (1/2 marathon, 1-3 hour workouts) Focus on slow carb building
Long (marathons, 3-4 hour) Focus on Carb loading and protein building
Ironman, Ultras- add healthy fats, Carbs and proteins (be careful not to over do it and have a gastro fail!-gross)

Common Mistakes:

Over Eating- You won't slim down during training if you are over eating on foods. Think of your health through the 80/20 method. 80% is what you eat 20% is your exercise. You will also feel tired, could be sick, bloated and this will make you feel like NOT working out.

Under Eating- neglect pre-workout meal and start training on an empty stomach. This puts your nutrition in a "hole" and the longer you train under-fed, the deeper the "hole". This causes your body to shut down and you are at great risk for heart problems, dehydration and injury. This can cause muscle injuries and it will take your body a lot longer to heal up and get healthy

Bikers, runners- Amy has some recipe's for goo, power balls, and cookies that you could take with you on your runs for during nutrition. Also consider Jerky.

Don't wait too long to consume a post workout meal. Should be within 30 minutes of your workout.

Last Key Tips:
-Keep hydrated and listen to your body!
-Keep your diet clean
-Good carbs/ high protein
-Baby food- gross but helpful
-Good fats
-"If you put crap in, you are going to get crap performance out"- Amy Kubal
-"You can't out train a sucky diet"- Amy Kubal

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