Thursday, January 5, 2012

When Husbands are away... Wives will~

Not do what I thought I would want to do tonight. For the past few weeks I have been pondering what I would want to do alone for a night and a day. I thought- go to the mall? Get my nails done? Eat junk food? Have a girls night? I just couldn't decide!!!!! I have never been left alone before (in 3 1/2 years Brandon has never gone away) I was so excited. So what did I do? Pouted when he wasn't home to greet me or help me cook dinner. HAHA LAME! I sat on facebook and chatted about my husband and my mom's new favorite show Moonshiners and then I finally got up the energy and went to the gym. I did 3 miles on the treadmill, Zumba class and then, worked on my New Year's Resolution: To Do a Push Up and Pull UP, I did some free weights to build my biceps.
After the gym I went to Giant and bought all the foods I was craving. Strawberries, Cantaloupe, Rotisserie Chicken, Bacon (for breakfast) and ... ICE CREAM!!!!!
 Who doesn't want Ice Cream??? I was so excited because I haven't had ice cream in a long time. I was browsing around the Natural Food section in Giant and I came across frozen foods section and then the ice cream. I was bummed because they all had soy, until I saw one with big letters that said coconut milk! I grabbed the container and read the ingredients- it was soy free, dairy free and as close to Paleo as one could get in a grocery store ice cream section. I jumped for joy threw it in my cart and checked out. As I was getting my chicken ready for dinner, I snuck a taste and it was amazing.
You always worry when you find things like this because it could taste terrible so it was a $5.79 risk but pleasantly surprised! SO Delicious is made from fresh ingredients and although it is still a paleo cheat, it is better for me than Dark chocolate and so worth it. Even if you are not on a diet or on Paleo. This is good for you and your body will digest it better than milky, sugary ice creams.

So I might be lame for doing nothing exciting on my one day free from the hubby but I really missed him and staying in my normal routine helped me to not think about it! Guess we really are better together ;)

P.S.- I am amazed at the amount of people I saw tonight at the gym sucking on candy. Candy canes, lollipops etc... YOU DON'T GET ENERGY FROM SUGAR!!! Thoughts on this?

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