For the first time since we started this blog together, I got to see me sister! She looks fantastic. It is obvious that she is motivated, working out and feeling healthier. I noticed more energy and more self confidence! She was even able to fit into some new clothes and I am so proud of her.
On Saturday morning we got up and went for a 5k run walk together. It was freezing cold but she did a great job. This time was valuable for us because we were able to share our struggles and she was able to ask about some of her 5k running concerns. We didn't run the whole time but we completed the 3 miles in less than 45 minutes by running and walking. We started out small and just did little runs to random mile markers. By the end of the 5k we made a goal to run to my grandparents mailbox and she ended up running past that mailbox to my parents mailbox and then halfway up my parents driveway (about .10miles past her original goal)! I am so proud of you Amanda- 5 weeks ago, you would have NEVER been able to do this.She ran about .75miles of the 3 miles, next time we will try for a full mile! You will be awesome for our race in February.
~Remember that the worlds best runners didn't just wake up one day and say "Hey, I am going to go out and run 26.2 miles" They worked themselves up to it by setting smaller goals and increasing every time they ran. Set goals for yourself and then add a little more each time- even if it is just to run past one more tree, one more house, one more crack in the road!~
Confession: When I first started running a year and a few months ago, I couldn't even run a quarter mile without dying. My Goal: a 5k! My accomplishment: a half marathon and a triathlon! :)
What is your confession? What was your goal? What did you accomplish?
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